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Which is it?

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legendis.god | 22:43 Sun 28th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Which is it?



Just easy ?


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A friendly hi from me, but I can be easy!

Just popped on while they play shoot em up on some game machine or being dragged back in for a game of giant scrabble.

Can't make out it you are grumpy, ill or bored but hope you are ok.

Another 'blink and you miss me' but back another day soon.

Nite x
Question Author
all 4 im afraid


till laters lol
I am always grumpy
Question Author
not in the given parameters cazzzz

-- answer removed --
Question Author
its ear

-- answer removed --
Just popping in to say 'hi' myself.....another weird & wonnerful thread again...;-))
Question Author
yes indeeed pastareeeeeeee

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Which is it?

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