Hope someone out there can possibly help me! My sister and I each have a Nokia 3120 mobile phone - but the batteries are no longer holding their charge. I went to buy new ones and was told that our phones are ancient - bought in 2001 - and that replacement batteries are no longer available. Only possible chance is if I can find a shop that still has some old stock! Apparently the lifetime of a phone these days is 2 years! The phones are only used for emergencies and work perfectly but it looks as if we will be forced into buying new phones every couple of years or so if the firms keep changing the battery designs. This really is a throwaway age! Anyway, just wondered if anyone knew of any store which might possibly have some old stock or a phone number where I can contact Nokia. Tried all the mobile phone shops and stores - John Lewis, etc. - yesterday but no-one would give me a phone number for Nokia! Have been thru their webpage but ever that doesn't give a phone or email contact. Maybe there is something going on which I am unaware of! Many thanks.
Thanks for your replies - I have already been thru all the Nokia options you have given me BUT there is no way of being able to use the contact us option - it just takes you to a FAQ page! I know I'm old and unused to the internet but I was going round and round in circles. But thank you for your help!
Thank you all - especially Pauln90 for the 2nd link which I have just emailed to check with. The Nokia 3120 site specifically says it does not have any batteries for this model! But a million thanks from this OAP for the 2nd link - very much appreciated.
If your really stuck contact PAMA & Co stockport rd dont have their number but their web site will have it. They used to do a really good copy 3120 battery, I used to sell them and they were v reliable. Cant guarantee they still have them but its worth a punt.
Please do not go to the nokia site they are in business to make and sell new phones, I have just purchased a spare battery for our 3210's, go to ebay and find a number of sellers for the battery for your phone I found 4 sellers at 99p plus postage. In ebay put in the search option batt for 3210 and look at the choice. You don't want old stock a battery uncharged for a couple of years may not be in very good condition.