Hi all, My desktop computer was until recently happily working and connecting to my NEtgear wireless router. It then stopped playing which I thought might be the transmitter playing up. I got hold of another, a Zyxel, and set it up and after unistalling the Belkin configuration controller it seemed to work. Unfortunately it has stopped again. It seems that the wireless network is found and connected but the computer is only transmitting info packets and not receiving. Additionally it seems to want the WEP code every time to connect. I think this is to do with the DNS address mularkey but cannot remember how to fix it. I have a Zyxel dongle, a BElkin Dongle, connect to a Netgear router and my ISP is AOl. Any ideas from anyone?
I am using wireless from a desktop in a small box room, the router is next to my phone line and I have not moved it. Are you suggesting that I disconnect, uninstall the wirelss components and then add the desktop to my network again? Seems like a plan although I did have some issues adding my kids computers to the net which hopefully wont re-occur. Thanks for your help Chuck.
Oddly, my profile says that this thread is banned...strange.
Anyway, I have tried you suggestion but cannot find the exact screen that you link refers to. Right screen but it does not have the same info on it to delete. Any ideas? I still have the same symptoms.