Achy Joints?? in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Achy Joints??

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puddicat | 10:29 Sat 17th Jan 2009 | Health & Fitness
18 Answers
When i get up in the morning my joints feel really achy and stiff,any abers found anything that helps apart from a oil can!!!
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puddi....don't quite understand....are you already on treatment?
e.g NSAID'S.........if you are, you could take them last thing at night. Same with steroids for arthritis, take them last thing at night for maximum effect in the morning.
Forgive me if I have missed the point.
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Hi squad not on anything,was looking for a supplement to ease the symptoms!!!
Not sure what you mean by supplement puddi, but you could try Ibuprofen 400mgms laqst thing at night.
Try some DEVIL`S CLAW. I would try the gel first.
My dad was havig the same problem, and started taking good quality cod liver oil tablets. He has found significant improvement since then...
Malt and Cod Liver Oil is good for joints, I was brought up with it, it tastes yuk but we used to get a joob joob afterwards to take the taste away

joob joob - scottish word - wee jelly sweetie (puddi will know this one)
I take Celadrin capsules. I have arthritis in my hands and knees and it's very severe in my neck, Celadrin is brilliant. I have been taking it for about 3 months and the swelling in my knuckles has reduced so that I can now take my rings on and off and it's eased the pain in my neck. My OH says that when I get out of the chair after sitting all evening I no longer walk like a constipated duck!!!
The best help is to go to the doctors ,get your blood tested and find out exactly why your joints are aching and stiff !
Could be the onset of an arthritic conditon of which there are many .
.Is it in all your joints EG Hips ,knees , finger joints,neck and so on .Is it painful like a burning sensation .Do you feel feverish ?
Go to the doctors .
Listen to one who knows all about aching joints !
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hi shaney and lol at maggot,i havent any burning sensations, just think its old age,after my hysterectomy these symptoms have got worse,dont think i have the on set of arthritis,would celadrin help just achy joints and where can i get them maggot and much are they???
Well puddi after a hysterectomy I pitched up with rhreumatoid arthritis when I was fifty ,this has degenerated into secondary osteoarthritis and spondylitis in the neck and spine and I still get attacks of RA. Your doctor can rule the causes of your aches in or out .Nip it in the bud if you can ..
Those Celadrin look good btw.
I may give those a try .I've tried everything else bar shooting meself ..:))
I have only found Celadrin on line, just type it in the search box and various suppliers will come up. There is also a site with research but I can't remember what it's called. Apparently it's used a lot in USA but not widely here. According to the research site it works well in conjunction with Glucosomine (which I was already taking). I found it at around �13 for 90 capsules and they recommend 3 per day, but I only take 2 per day. I hope it works as well for you.
Thanks for the info madmaggot. I shall certainly look into it .
No harm in trying something different . I've had cocktails of drugs and painkillers from the doctor at different times but like most of these things they can have side effects .Anything that's a natural supplement that eases it can't be bad .
puddicat...I see what you mean by "suppliments"......there is no scientific evidence to suggest that fish oils etc have any effect on joint pains, only anecdotal........but hey, why not give them a chance.
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I am going to order celadrin from health direct,they are good firm with reasonably priced items and free p@p used them before, i have dispersable glucosamine satchets so will take that in conjunction,went for a long walk today and feel quite stiff,going to try pilates to try and see if it will help,thanks to all your replies and will tell you if i found any difference taking this stuffx
puddicat it is wise to check with the GP before buying lots of these things, some can change the liver etc and bloods

be careful
I'd go and get your GP's opinion first, maybe get some bloods and x-rays done to see if there is any cause or damage and if anything needs to be done medically.

Keeping hydrated is also a must as your joints need it to keep flexible. My osteo recommended EPA supplements to me and they are great.
Have you checked if you are hypermobile (double jointed). I have exactly the same problem as you and the doc puts it down my hypermobility, and years of my joints being a lot more flexible than normal. I have taken glucosamine for months and it's made not a jot of difference. The only thing that helps in any way is a hot shower and 2 co-codamol. Cheers Hillogs

Cheers Greenhils
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morning hillogs not double jointed just a knackered!!!

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