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not well

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afcjan | 10:41 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
do you think I am going down with something, terrible headache and aching across my shoulders and back of neck. legs aching too, arms feel heavy and achy and my tongue is a funny colour. do you think I should go back to bed or go to work later.

I havent got a cold or a sore throat. maybe I have invented something new.

all comments welcome..



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Classic symptoms of bubonic plague, I'm sorry to say ;-(
no hope whatsoever.
Go back to bed ;-)
I've got some black paint. Do you want a spot on the door?
"Bring Out Your Dead".....
Do you want to borrow a handbell carrust?
Morning did your weekend go?

afcjan.....bad case of Nidjkinovgrods...a new and virulunt Russian virus.
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shall I say my good byes now...... :-(

I've got a hand-cart so the bell will set me up.
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glad I know who my friends are..........
The only thing that might cure is a big stiff one - Russian Vodka. Dovgan or Sputnik should do it - don't be put off by the name,

T'was a good weekend sqad - visit into Stamford for antique / boutique shops and drinkies at the George Hotel. Slumgod Millionaire at the cinema - excellent, cannot recommend it highly enough, and a good steak meal afterwards. I didn't go for any eyeball licking though; not after a steak in peppercorn sauce.
Morning jan. That sounds extremely serious! Back to bed with you at once ;) xxx
Tongue a funny colour!!! You're tuning into a lizard!!!!
salla...glad that you had a good time.....the Geoge Hotel, always good mate has a Georgian House just behind it. Did you know that from the Meadows, you can count 14 church spires in Stamford........not a lot'a people know that (said in my best Michael Caine impersonation) . Don't worry about the "nooky" you can have that any time.
I didn't say there was no nookie - just no ball licking !!
as in eyeball.
Right ?????!!!!!!!! LOL.
creeps onto thread wearing a surgical mask and trying not breath too deep ....
Hello afcjan , sounds rough whatever it is honey , hope you get better soon though and not worse xxx
Is the insurance policy paid up to date ???
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and cheese inside the house by the sound of it,...

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