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Just who are they ?

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legendis.god | 23:39 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
The new names this week that seem to be a repeat of the same old same old?
Im intrigued , but due to a lack of information i thought id post and see if folk could name a few of the same old same old new type posters?

Ill be amazed if anyone even has a try naming some .


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What does it matter? Unless you know the poster personally, it really isn't important
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Doc, ffs, drop it. It doesn't follow that because someone is the victim of an assault, he is a paragon of virtue. And if you want to believe all you read in the indignant popular press (who in my experience only ever tell one side of the story) so be it. The fact is, there is more to what is reported than meets the eye. The police would rarely offer a caution (if ever) if the facts as reported by the complainant were true. What is said in the press and what is the REAL situation are very often a long long way apart.
wardy mincer,big john and mrs slocombe
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B0llocks to you too Doc. I have no idea why Leg did so, but the fact is, just because he is a "victim" it does not preclude him from being a to$$er, ginger or otherwise.
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if he wasnt the victim id still call him aginger t0sser
firstly hes ginger

secondly hes a t0ssser

hair colour isnt a race

remember all those blonde joke syou tell doc?

sod off you stupid old fool

too many rums tonight and notb enough attention?

no homosexuals on tonight to hassle?

stupid man

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From now on ill just refer to them as THE OTHERS
Brilliant book and film Leg!!!!!
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But who are they bramaid??

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Just who are they ?

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