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Tis wine o'clock is it not?

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singapore54 | 22:01 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Mines a shiraz (nothing else here).


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well I fit into at least two of those catagories.

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Oh go on then, I'll have one. Drunk all the wine last night though, so it'll have to be vodka tonight.
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Well I'll take myself off with my crossword when that happens.
The vitriol on here sometimes beggars belief.
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Any time is wine o'clock in my book

At least I'm not drinking alone
Question Author
Vodka has never really done it for me, Gin however yum.
g & t with slice of lime with you there
Can i have a Singapore Sling please? singapore?

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Tis wine o'clock is it not?

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