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Oh dear

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legendis.god | 14:03 Tue 27th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
monster jobfinding website has been hacked.

and thousands of peoples details have been stolen.

the information theyve got can be used to build profiles and then be used to open bank accounts in peoples names and take out loans.

oh dear

are you registered on monster and are you worries???


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hope my son has not him self on that one .ive not heard about this .
put ^^^^^
I am worried for my son too, where did u hear this Legend? stm

oh dear! yes, i'm on there...*panic*
Question Author
its been on reef radio

via sky

all morning

a so called expert said the info can be used

i dunno

thought someone here might
I am on every other jobsite except Monster.

What a 'mare!
not the biggest warning on the site, I have to say. Also, that news report is dated the 23rd and monster haven't even sent me an email, nice!
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How could they?

Your details have been stolen !!!
i thought this happen over a year ago?? anyway i was registered with them but i cancelled it 18months ago.
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thye will still ahve your data on their database i imagine.

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Oh dear

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