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Auto Refresh

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fly258 | 13:49 Sun 17th Apr 2005 | Technology
3 Answers
Is it possible to get IE6 to auto refresh every x secs/mins? If so, how?


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It's very easy to create a webpage that refreshes itself every x seconds but if you want the browser to do this for you on a page that wouldn't normally refresh itself (such as this one) then you'll need a small program or plugin.

There are many, such as "AutoRefresher for IE" which you can get from:

CNET > Downloads > Windows > Internet > Browsers > Browsing Companions
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Many thanks stevie21, I can keep up to date with the footy results automatically now :)

Just something to ask regarding that first. WIll it then refresh every internet page from every browser window...or just the one that you tell it to???

I'd imagine refreshing every 10 seconds or whatever for eveything might be a bit of a pain. Therefore just hitting refresh every minute or so on your chosen page might be better.

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