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well people i think

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zzxxee | 17:43 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
ive just about said all there is to say about evil pube headed evil pixie aka leo sayer and i shall not say another thing now as im sure your all bored... who shall we pick on next???/


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bring it on no knowledge bring it on x
kerry katona's always good
Paris Hilton

I loathe Paris Hilton
That blond wannabe
Whose main claim to fame
Was a sh@g on TV
you're really going for it tonight mrs o - if you're not careful you'll be talking like that tomorrow
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mrs o i take my hat off to your skills with poetry you could be the next pam ayres why not write mr o a love poem for when he returns ??
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stars awarded x
I think you need treatment or mediaction,you don't sound well!
Question Author
people have been saying that to me for years
Being so bitter and vindictive can't be right.
Please go and see your GP,something is obviously quite wrong!

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well people i think

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