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Jumping on the band wagon

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TWR | 13:04 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Are they all now jumping on the band wagon? Carol Thatcher's comments? are the French complaining about been called frogs, Irish, Paddys, Scots, Jocks, Welsh, Taffys, Why is it that it is the same people ALL the time that causes problems? are we now going to rename Blackpool to Whitepool, Black paint to that colour, Jesus what is the country coming to.


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Hello TWR - nice to see you away from motoring for a change.
We need a committee (of whom?) to go through the English Language and determine what may and may not be said, some examples of alternates:

Irishman: P-word
Asian : P-word
Welsh: SS-word
Black : N-word
Chinese: C-word
White: White trash, honkey, anything else you fancy
Scottie: J-word, SJ-words
Corner shop: P-shop
Blackboard: Large writing surface

ect ect
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Hi, yes it does make a change, did you see Question time last night? If so, your views on the answer that Transport Sec give to the Director of Liberty, Was he right with his answer?
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hang on - you can't call anyone blue blooded, can you?
Question Author
Again Craft, one reason I do not get to come on to a great discussion site is the clown answers that come on at times, I came off a site called ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR for that reason, I also give out the truth & I'm afraid a lot of people cannot take that.
Gormless, clearly you have not had any education for a while.

Blackboards are now whiteboards. In fact, the latest preference in schools and colleges is for the rather snazzy IWBs. board

TWR - no sorry missed it as didn't watch much tele last night. Had a cosy night with half a bottle of merlot and my family tree research. May have a look now you mention it if on iplayer

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Jumping on the band wagon

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