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i just wanted to say

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Leo.Sayer | 22:48 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
dinner with no.know tonight went well i really enjoyed myself , perhaps a tad dissapointed he persisted on coming on here .
although now no.know as introduced me to the site i intend on being a regular .
i really hope to build my fan base up by interacting with you ,perhaps give away mp3's of my latest intenational hit , that sort of thing.

thank you noknow and i am looking forward to next time


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What we're all dying to know is ..... Does nono make ya feel like dancing? And are ya gonna dance the night away?
awww Leo please you're embarrassing me mate.
anytime for a legend , anytime at all.
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Hey Rosy Lee - you living in a Fantasy?
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hi noknow , just a quick line to let you no i have arrived home safely

good night to all my adoring fans


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i just wanted to say

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