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Bird Tables

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val-sis | 15:27 Sun 15th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
Does it take time for birds to 'take' to bird tables, I bought one (that is fixed to a fence), but they don't seem to want to know.


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Hi val, if one hasn't been in situ before it will take a little while it takes a few days before you see any birds, don't be discouraged. Once the birds discover the food and convince themselves it is not a trap, they will visit regularly

Good luck, be patient, Ray
Hi, val (and ray - where've you been? I've missed you!) - what ray says is right, it may take a bit of time, just keep putting seed etc out for them and they'll come eventually. Have you got something you can hang a feeder or two from? It would help if you can hang a fat-ball feeder and a niger seed feeder, because they will attract the tits and the finches. Put some seeds (the songbird mix, with seed, fruit and mealworms is great) on the table & just be patient. Good luck!! K xx
Hi Kleiber, how are you? my computer was down, all back to normal now, good to see your name. be great to get back to normal on this side, so many lovely people. xx
You need to remember that most of the bird stuff is designed and manufactured by business people who wouldn't know a goldfinch from a seagull. A bird table fixed to a fence is not a good idea. The birds are naturally weary of anyplace where their route of flight is partially blocked. That is why the best bird table is one out in the middle where they can see a hawk or owl coming and no predator can jump on them.
The success of your fence table will depend on how many predators hang around in your area.
There will be the species which will get used to the position and visit the table regularly but some shyer ones will never even attempt to alight on it, specially if there are a lot of cats around.
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Ah..thanks for that everyone, guess I will have to be patient. not one of my strong points ! The feeder may be a good idea, I think I can hang one from it.. Thanks again !!!
i have screwed some cup hooks around the edge of my table for the feeders to hang on ,we have had blackbirds ,robins ,blue tits,great tits,sparrows, starlings, chaffinches , goldcrests ,dunnocks, long tailed tits and of course the greedy pigeons all here this afternoon its been drizzling here so have sat and done nothing all afternoon apart from watch the birds and use the lap top, hope you get some visitors soon xx
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Thanks for that Ruth, have got the cup hooks!!! All I need to get is the feeder, ....and then, hopefully, the birds....

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