2d Person or thing with name one cannot remember (15 letters) M - A - C - A - B - A - - - - 25a Chinese decapod crustacean (6 -4 letters) M - - - - - CRAB 23a Short tailed ground squirrel (6 letters) S - - - - - - 4d Old name for subatomic particle (2-5 letters) M- M - - - N 11a Light open one- seated carriage (8) - - A - H - P E 18d Very supple leather used especially for gloves (7 letters) T - E - - - - Thanks v. much!
16a which I have now changed to an "A" because of the answer as above is 'whatchmacallit' leaving me still with
16a A large heavy, hairy, French dog (6 letters) - - - A - D