Traditional Bread Pudding in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Traditional Bread Pudding

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enidblyton | 23:31 Mon 16th Feb 2009 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Would anyone have the recipe and how long do i have to soak the bread for.
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I am surprised you haven't googled like I have for the recipe?

Hi Enid - this is a nice recipe -
Bread Pudding
200g/8oz bread, preferably stale, crusts removed
250ml/� pint milk
150g/6oz mixed dried fruit
50g/2oz mixed peel, chopped
50g/2oz soft brown sugar
50g/2oz suet
2 tsp mixed spice
1 large egg, beaten
ground nutmeg (optional)
icing sugar or caster sugar to decorate

1. Break bread into small pieces and place in a mixing bowl.
2. Pour over the milk and leave to soak for 30 minutes, then beat out the lumps with a fork to form a smooth mixture. (I use a mixer � much easier)
3. Add the fruit, mixed peel, sugar, suet, spice and egg and mix well.
4. Pour the mixture into a greased 18cm/7in square tin, smooth the top and sprinkle with nutmeg if liked.
5. Bake at 180C/350F/Gas4 for about 1-1� hours until browned. Cool in the tin.
6. Cut the pudding into squares and sprinkle with caster or icing sugar. Alternatively serve hot with custard or cream.
Cor !! my mum used to make this in a roasting tin and we ( 3 plus 2 or more foster ) kids used to eat it hot or cold before it had a chance to hit the table. AH memories. good old stodge.
Forget the 2 tsp of mixed spice - you need more to give it that lovely flavour
You could try using Stollen or some other fruit bread as an alternative to the norm.
My mum too!! She used her biggest roasting tin and we used to fight over it!!!

But I don't remember her putting egg in hers!!!
I know I am a bit late answering this question and the recipe given sounds delicious but just in case you are not very well off, here is an cheaper alternative, which everyone I have given one seems to like (unless they are afraid to tell me!

Ingredients: -
8 slices of bread
6 ozs of Self Raising Flour
6 ozs of sugar or 4 level tablespoons of sweetener
6 ozs sultanas
1 egg
2 or 3 teaspoons of mixed spice (to taste)
4 0zs cooking margarine

Soak bread in water for a few minutes. Squeeze out surplus water and shred bread into a mixing bowl. Add flour and spice and pound it about a bit to mix. Add sugar or sweetener and the egg. Mix well. Add sultanas and mix again. Melt the margarine in the cake tin you are going to use to cook the bread pudding in, which will grease the tin as well as melting the margarine. Add the melted margarine to your mixture and mix well. Mark the top with a fork and sprinkle some sugar in the grooves for a nice crunchy topping. Cook in the oven on a medium heat - 180 degrees for electric cookers, 150 for fan assisted. I think probable 4 or 5 for gas for about an hour. Test with a metal skewer to see if cooked. If it comes out dry it is done.
Hope you will like this, but don't blame you if you like the more exotic one.

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