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christine847 | 17:42 Thu 26th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Daydream a lot?
If so where do you do it


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salla LOL zaccy boy reminds me of that advert....not now on....where there is a hunk of a guy with a pinny on.
-- answer removed --
No.....but salla it?
as in puffs and pants?
got it!!

Shouldn't you be co-ordinating now?
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LOL @ your replies
I am just about to co-ordinate my ass off the chair, to reach for the handbag with my car keys, to put in my ignition, and together with my foot and the throttle... to go home for the du pape and the prawns.

Be good. x
Hi chrisssy i do mine mostly at work.

testing ..1 2 3 .testing....
nokno you're back - hurray
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I bet you do! x
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hi all (he says in a surprised voice)
hows the wee pervert still on here nono and his penis pictures too ???

theres no justice eh?

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