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since when has....

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Bbbananas | 10:35 Fri 27th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
describing a dream (with no sexual detail) and talking about Hayley Cropper's sex change (with no sexual detail) been a post that has been deemed bannable?

Miserable Effers.


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Well it was bound to happen sooner or later are getting out of control woman!
You said yourself that your other half would be mortified if he read some of what you put on here.
It's not only your other half that are mortified then is it?
no time to be innocent now salla, the dream thread was open to smutty interpretation
Let's face it, we all talk smut at some point. The powers that be must be very very straightlaced and shockable.
you did actually say ' fingering me' then changed it yourself, so the intent was there.
salla.......I'm keeping out of this one....LOL
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I, and others, have said far far more outrageous things on here. And not all my post have smutty connotations; far from it. I do know when to be serious.
I'll shut up now then.

Can't say I'll lose any sleep over it.
It was probably the thought of sqad being naked that turned their stomachs.
It didnt seem like that innocent a post, be honest, it was done to attract attention, and obviously it did
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Of course the intent was there.. I;m not denying that.
But like I said, it was only meant as a bit of fun, far worse things are being got away with. Racist comments, nasty comments, personal abuse....

Oh well, whatever..........

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It wasn't done particuarly to attract attention - more to attract a laugh. That is only ever my intention on my more smutty threads. No offence meant.
"It was probably the thought of sqad being naked that turned their stomachs."

We are both "kopping it" today my love.

I think that daniela mistyped......should have been:
"It was the site of sqad's stomach that turned them. LOL
Well I was really concerned Salla. Mainly because I don't know what type of cheese it is you eat and whether I can get some in Suffolk.
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Bless you barmaid - an ally who may just manage to understand my warped sense of humour!

Lincolnshire Poacher I find instigates the most, shall we say, "interesting" dreams. (Avoid Stinking Bishop at all costs; nightmare fodder is that). ;-)

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