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What was this???

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CAJ1 | 13:15 Sun 01st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I was out in the garden and came back in, there was something in my house that was huge, black and flying about making a noise like a blue bottle. I thought it was a bee but it was about 10 times the size of a bee and I'm not exaggerating! I didn't hang about and ran back outside. I don't know where its gone, any ideas of what it was?
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It was bigger than that beetle and more round
Sounds large for this part of the world , do get a photo of it if you can CAJ1 , I'm wondering what it is now too x
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I'm away for my lunch but I'm going to have a look and see if I can find it again to take a photo (I'm really scared of it though lol!)
Have it for Lunch!lol
caj- do you live near bellevue zoo ?
It's an MOD remote control surveillance drone.
is it a bat?

oh maybe the lesser spotted black hairy and very scary flying spider........... (did it have big sharp pointy teeth)
It sounds lik a dragonfly.I had one of these in the house last year.

Was it a May Bug?
why dont you ask on animals and nature
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It wasn't any of the things suggested. I've looked them all up and it was bigger than all of them. Not seen it since, hopefully it flew back out again. I'm not looking up any more bugs as its creeping me out lol!

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