It seems, no-knowledge, that you are determined to live up to your name!
The Blair years probably saw the Cabinet frozen out to a far greater degree than Mrs Thatcher ever managed. The Cabinet minutes relating to the decision to go to war in Iraq, which the Justice Secretary has recently refused to release, would almost certainly confirm that.
The majority of people who denigrate Mrs T were not around (or at least not old enough) to recall what the country was like in 1979. The previous 15 years (in which I include the four years of Edward Heath�s Conservative administration) had seen the country reduced to a broken wreck. The trade unions held so much sway that effective government was virtually impossible. And it showed.
Mrs T was a strong leader and not everybody (even some staunch Conservatives) agreed with everything she did. However, to allow the country to continue as it had done for the previous fifteen years was not an option and people enjoying a high standard of living today (as they do, compared to the 1970s) have a lot to thank Mrs T for. This includes today�s so-called �poor�.
The situation the UK finds itself in today is equally serious, but its causes are different. Strong leadership is required to negotiate the country out of this mess.
I have not yet watched last night's production, but I know the ending!