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cazxx1 | 17:43 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
whatever happened to Peter Kay


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Nothing and he was and still
Last I heard he had a sex change.
He went to Amarillo
Death by Garlic Bread wasn't it?
his shows were never as good as his adverts...
still around released a stand up d.v.d not so long ago what ever happened to stan boardman????????????????????????????????????????
The 1st series of Phoenix Nights was a work of genius. Since then his stuff's been pretty poor. I gather that a few comedians have fallen-out with him for nicking their material.
I liked his stand up shows, but his autobiography was so boring.
He went to spend the night in Phoenix, and never came back....
salla.....I heard that he was "Only Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa"....took the wrong turning and hasn't been seen since.
I read it also Trish. So disappointing.
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so nobody really knows then lol
Wasn't his last tour! A bungalow for my Gran" tour Perhaps he is building it ,you know what builders are like.

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