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Red Riding

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tiggerblue10 | 20:21 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Will anyone be watching this? There has been quite a big build up to it I hope its not a let down. I loved Whitechapel but felt a bit let down at the end.


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posted this on tv tigger!!!
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Oh sorry Puddi, didn't see it hun.

Just ignore me. x
tiggs sounds really good give it a gox
Question Author
I'm V+ ing it just in case I go to bed early. It finishes at 11.
not seen that Tig, what channel is it on?
channel 4 9pm
oh thanx puddicat think I will tape it as thats about the time my husband will be ringing x
Isn't Sean Bean in it? Worth watching just for that
As said in tv a nice bit of roughx
I watched it. It was good.
hi ummmm sweetie
was just about to post a wanted on ***** robin then jump in the sack

but then i saw you lol xx
damn the editing grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

whats with a phallus anyhows lol
Hello's things with you sweetie???
I'm back ziggy xx
things could be a darrnded bit sweeter ummmm

but as you are here

you always make it for me lol

lol x

I'm waning now... :-(
i need a leg over ummmm

me balls gone over the fence lol xx
pmsl......that made me proper laugh xx
im serious ummmm

ms trunchbowls threatened to stab me bladder lmao

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Red Riding

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