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eash | 13:09 Fri 06th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
too early for lunch?


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I had a late breakfast but I'm getting peckish again. No it's not too early.
Is it too early to have a beer?
no and no.
I'm going for both very soon.
then I'm going home for an afternoon sleep so I can still be conscious and raring to go for the weekend.
I'll blame you when I turn up to the school gates peed up then Salla :-0
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that;s alright by me ummm...! (so long as you're not driving the little darlings home?!)
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It is after midday so I guess it's not too early for lunch and it's never too early for a beer! lol
Of course not....

no drugs reps today Zac - with the credit crunch n all that' they're getting very mean with the old expense account. We get pre-packed sarnies mostly these days. There is one I do particuarly look forward to - but that's 5 weeks off.

I'm meeting an old bald fat friend called Fatboy Tim. We'll reminisce, he'll ask me if I'll sleep with him, I'll say no, he'll persuade me to stay for another, I'll say yes. Then I really am going home to sleep. Alone. It's better that way. ;-)
It's always happy hour somewhere....
The Housemartins' Happy Hour.
How I loved that song - used to jig around like a madwoman to that. Still would, given the chance. I'm going to dig out the old CD this weekend & play it full blast.
I'm not going for lunch until 1.00.

I'm meeting the friend I call Gorgeous Oriental ...

... the one who gives a whole new meaning to the phrase ...

... "I fancy a Chinese" !
I prefer Italian JJ. but, each to his own. Enjoy x
I was just packing up Salla.

I'm going to go and wait for G.O. at the restaurant, and get some wine ordered.

(poor G.O. ... by the time she arrives, I'll probably be half trolleyed)

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