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relationship via facebook!

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Neenee | 20:29 Fri 06th Mar 2009 | Relationships & Dating
6 Answers
has anyone met a person thro facebook and happily in a relationship?

is it that common?


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I know someone who got back in touch with a school friend they hadn't seen for a while and they are now together.

Dunno about meeting someone tho.
If you haven't met the person personally (as in physically meeting them) and you want to have a relationship with the person then yes it can happen and it is becoming more common.

HOWEVER, there are a few risks that you need to be aware of.

- Since you don't actually meet, the chances of cheating is raised and this is where trust needs to be - a strong bond of trust.

- You can see and talk to the person (well write to or whatever) but you can't actually touch them. Shame I know.

- You do need a lot of communication like any other relationship because otherwise it can fall as easily as a relationship with people who can meet.

Of course, if the person you live with doesn't live too far away (a city away, or a county away etc.) you could meet the person, but if it's an international relationship (i.e. the two people are in different countries) then that's harder.

As said, it is becoming more common as social networking sites like Facebook are becoming more popular.
sorry 'love' not 'live'
I knew my fella 16 years ago, we met again through myspace and are now very much in love, we even talk about getting married!
I met ma last 3 boyfriends online, 2 whn I was in a longterm relationshp an had a wee boy as well. Ma real life fella had a small todger an put on loadsa weight so it was like a hippo an a hamster mating. its no wonder I seeked luv online. Ma fella left me so its not a happy ending cept i've nevr bn happier.
I personally don't know about anyone meeting on facebook - I think facebook is more a site for people who already know each other so you're less likely to meet someone new on there. Myspace though, that's different - I went on a few dates with the lead singer of a band that I met through myspace...but I felt too much like a groupie so called it off!

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relationship via facebook!

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