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anyone won.....

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stokemaveric | 22:51 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
at cheltenham today?.....i have......i had �50.00 on a tip which i gave you all on here punjabi a..... 22/1 winner......GET


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No, not one. Although Jayne did ok. Come on then, got any tips for tomorrow.
Wow ... !!

I had �10 on it, and you won me �220.

I bought the bubbly tonight !!

(I think I'm out of pocket now).

But ... thanks for the fab tip, stokey.
Oi Oi from reef stoky. we fooking missed that tip
Jan ...

I've had a few losers from stokey, but ...

He's tipped some VERY big winners.

If I put the same amount on all of stokey's tips, I'd definitely win more than I lost.

But you have to stick with it, and not panic if you lose a few along the way.
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well done jj..........and yes you win some and you lose some....the bookie definatley had a tear in his eye as he dished out �1120 to me lol
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well done stokie
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sorry knobby i gave it out the other must have been p***ed not to have seen
Well done indeed , I think lexie tipped punjabi too , x
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thanx beejay.....mind you the vultures [the kids] have soon made light work of
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thank you 2 bigmamma....hope you are well....xx
Hey, stokey ...

What the fcuk sort of word is ... "definatley"


Have you been out celebrating your big win ??


I will check tomorrow for your tips stoke. Hope I have some luck.

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anyone won.....

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