all answers refer to T.V. progs. old & new 1.Omega vehicles 2.the land agent from Superman's home planet 3.the bureau 4. does Mr. Cash deliver the mail? 5. five american suburban family women spice up their lives. 6.The procrastinators? Have to complete by 28th March am ploughing through may more from a list of 100 questions.Any help will be very welcome.
grateful thanks spooky joyce-mazie & beatrice 35.
would never have known Krypton factor. Thought Mr. Cash was Johnny ! alpha & Omega to me meant beginning and end. Was there ever a prog. "the office" no.3) or no.6 "The off-putters" or 'Time thieves' Expect you've guessed I'm more of a Radio fan than T.V
Anyway your help is very much appresiated.
wow! to everyone who have given me some answers.
Istill have quite a lot left out of the 100 but will persevere
to try myself. (although ir's very tempting to ask for more as there are so very many clever contributors out there and IF I do well enough to win a prize the money will be given back to the charity - so you will all have contrbuted to it.)
Meanwhile good wishes to you and grateful thanks.