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Name this sick filth!

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flashpig | 03:24 Thu 05th May 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

I caught the beginning of some film on a Film 4 Extreme cinema season, about nazis and bonking. And for some reason they had gathered all of these prostitutes up, put them into different cells and let stormtroopers at them to do their nastiest which might have been quite nasty.

Anyway, at the end they selected some girl to do something, and I think that they made their decision based on the fact that she killed her stormtrooper. Or maybe I made that bit up.

Anyway, at the end of this scene one of the nazis says "and what do we do about the troops?", and head nazi says "kill them all" or something equally evil.

What was this film, and what happened in the rest of it?



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Sounds like a film I read about by Tinto Brass - don't know much of the details but if it was on Film 4 Extreme then it's likely that's the one. Can't remember the title though...

Wow flashpig, your question was like a Vicky Pollard spout off, no offence, it made me laugh. Sorry I can't answer your question! Was it a true story?
I'd agree with kempie - it does sound very much like Salon Kitty. My ex-boss once ordered this to sell in his video shop - a bit of a shock, as he's a strict non-swearing, non-smoking, teetotal, vegetarian God-botherer who tuts loudly about the lewdness of mating scenes in wildlife documentaries. We could only assume he saw the title and thought it must have been a charming tale about a cat that lives in a hairdresser's shop.
sounds like toystory 2 to me.

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