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tiggerblue10 | 12:16 Thu 19th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
and get my hair cut at Lee Staffords salon in Leigh on Sea. Can't wait. Haven't had a trim in over 6 months. How often do you have a trim?


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I trim my bush every year
did downstairs yest, upstairs every 12 weeks or so
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Welcome George. Hows the retirement going?
Every 6 weeks, just to keep it tidy as I am trying to grow it again. Once it get fairly long again, it gets trimmed less often.
same as cheekychops x
Thurs 19/03/09
12:17 I trim my bush every year

If your a bit of a fashion follower i will be soon coming out with a wide range of "pube toupees" available in many different outrageous styles and colours,at the mo we've got the "mr t" the "pat sharp mullet lover" the "bob marley" and the "cringer ginge" all available as soon as ive convinced those mugs on dragons den! Watch this space!
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I'm off for me trim. See you later xxx
getting mine done this weekend. My best mate is a hairdresser so whenever I want really, but usually about every 3 months and on birthdays and xmas she colours it all for free :-)
Tell Mr Stafford i want his babies!! I love him! lol

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