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is it easy to get from......

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stokemaveric | 22:34 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
london euston to fulham??? we want to go and watch the footy in april and we dont want to can any cockneys help????


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Yes, we have this marvellous invention called the underground. No station by the footy ground, but the nearest are Hammersmith, Putney Bridge or Fulham Broadway, all reachable from Euston quite easily.
Take the Northern Line from Euston to Embankment. Chand onto the District Line - you want a Wimbledon train. Get off at Putney Bridge and then just cross the road and walk through Bishops Park - along by the river - and you get to the ground. About 10 minute walk.
and the streets are paved with gold :o)
April 25th then.
1. Leave Euston by the side exit (not the front ... I've made this mistake)

2. Look for the long line of taxis

3. Say ... "Craven Cottage please" ...

... if you are a bloke, you can add the word "mate"

4. Sit and read the paper until you are dropped at the door

5. (if you are feeling particularly adventurous, ask for the "away supporters' entrance")

Tah Daah !!
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the world ends at the brittannia
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thanx much will that cost???? and i want to go the direct
the world ends at the brittannia stadium......

yeh - every other saturday stokie ;o)
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not yesterday la la la
Don't buy two single tickets from Euston to Putney Bridge because that'll cost �4 each way. Instead buy a one day travelcard (for Zones 1 & 2) for �5.60. Alternatively ask at the National Rail station, where you're departing from, if they can sell you a rail ticket which includes a travelcard (or whether they can sell you a through ticket to 'London Zone 2').
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thanx all sounds rather

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