5 abers to give me their number i will add it to mine and put them on the �14 million lottery rollover tomorrow night....any winnings i will share....my number is no 4....
well i think that they are good numbers actually...where else would you get a free go on the lottery without paying a penny????.....and i promise to share the winnings....thats the sort of good guy i am lol.....where were you knobbs and legend????....lol
ok bigmamma our exclusive numbers are......3,27,28,32,46 and 49......i promise i will put them on for us and we will share any winnings and thats a promise x............
aww I missed out but I already put an extra 5 LD's on for tonight.
Stoke can I gatecrash at yer mansion please -just want the free drink and grub -I wont have my begging cup -cos i'm gonna win something tonight and I just know it !!
Ever felt that confident -away to see to the gee gees now -hope youve posted !!!