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They've done it again !!!!

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DebsyDoo | 18:01 Wed 01st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
NASA - that is. They seem determined to throw my holiday plans into turmoil ! I'm going to see my daughter in LA in May & have it all planned(it's her birthday on 23rd) Well, she worked on some instrument thingy that's being launched on the shuttle (to which the whole development team is being taken - all expenses paid) nice - an opportunity of a lifetime, but original date for launch was 23rd April - then they moved it to 7th May (day we arrive, not too much of a problem) but now they've moved it to 21st !! That's the day we were all going to Vegas for a few days ! What's the chances it won't get changed again !!


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yeaah its a conspiracy

so are you still going debsy?
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Well yeah, flights are all booked 'n paid for !
Will be a real pain if they don't change it again, cos' we fly back on 25th (from LAX) so won't really be able to get across to Florida !
I must admit I've never been to the US as I won't fly (I go on cruises) but my daughter loves it. Last time she did a cruise and Vegas all in one holiday.....
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I used to work at a company booking cruise holidays ! Loved it & the commision you could make ! Never been on one though ! Had a "freebie" for the Oriana, but left Co before I could take it !
The States is brilliant holiday destination, there's so many different places to choose from - but I think Vegas is the one place that everyone should go to at least once - it's just soooo amazing !
Don't think I'll ever see it apart from maybe the Eastern Seaboard. I usually go on the Oriana (my favourite) but like the Aurora as well..............
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Mmm, best bet for that is to look out for the "Transat" cruises they do at either end of the season when they're moving the ships between the Med & the Caribbean.
Only cruise I've ever really fancied is the Norweigian Fjiords one !

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They've done it again !!!!

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