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Who's getting all the money?

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10ClarionSt | 19:17 Tue 07th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Another load of job losses today. So where is the money going that the govt has pumped into the economy? Who is getting it all? Billions of our money going somewhere, yet people are still being made redundant, or having their pay cut or their hours cut. Some fkr, somewhere, is laughing their head off at our expense.


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its stopped the collapse of the banks
i spoke to a tourist who said

thank god fro gordon brown

he had 15 grand incvested in iceland bank.

he was told he had lost it
until the government stepped in

so multiply that how many thosand times plus the councils etc

and theres a lot of ur cash clarion

?�? d t h �??�
-- answer removed --

dont help me tho

but thot it might help you ?

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Who's getting all the money?

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