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What goes where ?

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pjm007 | 13:14 Sun 15th May 2005 | Travel
3 Answers
My family and I are going to Menorca in a few weeks time, can anyone tell me what items can go in suitcases/hand luggage with regards to electrical items, toiletries i,e. aerosols, etc.
Also, what are the limits to bringing back cigarettes/tobacco and alcohol to the U.K from an EU country ?

Thanks in advance.


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As far as I can remember put electrical goods in suitcase but declare them at check-in.  Aerosols can go in luggage BUT if new have to have had at least one spray  to release built up air. The tobacco allowance is vastly improved, not sure of the exact amount but local "estanco" (tobacco shop) will tell you.  Have a nice hol!!!

Just got this info in with my holiday tickets.

800 cigarettes OR 400 cigarillos OR 200 cigars OR 1KG tobacco

Still table wine 90 litres

Spirits/stong liqueurs (over 22%) 10 litres

Fortified/sparkling wine/other liqueurs 20 litres

Beer 110 litres

Perfume & toilet water - unlimited

Gifts/souvenirs unlimited

Have a nice holiday.

If you've got a smoker in the party then you can bring back almost as many cigs as you want. They cost about �20 a box over there. Drinks are almost the same and if you are not a regular traveller, they are unlikely to stop you at customs- they know who they're looking for!

If you do get stopped you can always refuse to pay the duty and ask them to keep the goods securely until the next time you leave the country when you will take them back with you!

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