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MWB | 15:01 Wed 15th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
posts & answers for the last wee while, what with the ed standing over us with ruler in hand.

Everyone has been quite restrained.

Anyway, nigh nigh all.

Especially, leg, knobs & no-kno.


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au revoir
no i haven't been quite.
Hi MWB I take it you read my reply on your thread in another topic then lol
i can't post under my name it's gone ffs

are you an infil-traitor?
How can i have been quite when i have put up 2 two too to
threads ??????????????????????
You have been staring at that owl on here for tweet to two long.
haven't you.
has nokno gone.................I like nokno.....
back to school then MWB
say hi to teacher
bye bye
/ \

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