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can you remember your very first job

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SLINKYKATE | 00:18 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
i was 13,washing dishes in a boarding house,got �3.00
a week


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I am from NY....but have lived in the UK for almost 20yrs

OMG..its that long???!
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this is nice walking down memory lane,you's have jerked my memory,had forgotten a lot of stuff since i got this brain tumour,so this really helps me,some of it is so funny.
NZ used to have what was called, "A baby Bonus."

Back in the early 70's it was $6 per month. Lots back then.

That must've been quite a lot back then Mr. Veritas.

Pasta - that's ages.

Bez......what do you mean a slot TV? What - to pay for it, or to pay for viewing it?
Hey Ice...i knew you were just that sometimes people dont believe me when i tell them now (my nephew certainly thinks its a lie - but he is of today's generation where kids have their own computer and tv and ipod bla bla bla).

TRT ---i cant imagine anything worse than skinning a sheep's head as a job....sounds horrid!!
20 years, pasta. TWENTY years....ages.

Well, 20, you're right about that. As I've told a few on here, this last Christmas, I made an old-fashioned stocking up each for the boys. Inside, I put a shiny penny, sugar mouse and pig, an orange, a tin whistle, some shoe laces - can't remember what else - but just to point out that years agom children'd get something like this - if they were lucky. You klnow what? They thought it was fascinating.
Oops! *Ago.
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Ice..that was a lovely thing to do for your kids...and i'm glad they found it fascinating....i'm sure it made them think about how lucky they are. :-)
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mwb,i remember when we got the chimney swept,they used to put sheets over the furniture and carpets.
Awww, Bez. I think that's lovely as well. I'm sorry to sound so ignorant. I never knew you could do that.
I remember the coin in the slot tv bez. Was through Radio Rentals and it was to cover the rental of the tv. If you had more than needed you got a rebate.
Be no good to me then. I hardly watch TV. : (
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5 shillings wasn't bad then,but as my uncle was my employer I think my mum twisted his arm.
BTW,there was also a rumour in the family that my uncle was my father,so maybe that's why I got more money?
There you go Mr. Veritas! Every cloud has a silver lining! x

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