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I think that i like my name on here

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scoodle | 00:16 Fri 17th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
as scoodle and most of you have taken me into the bosoms of your hearts.

So thank you all for your warmth towards me

And may you all have a very merry christmas and a happy new year


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ROFL @ Aprilis! thanks, btw - rebooting did the trick!
Slinks away shame-facedly.
I knew it would Icey cos I'm good like that ;-)

Oh right...sorry KIDD, I geddit now. So yes, I was being a bit thick. DURRR!
No problem Aprilis, I rarely come in here (honestly) but I'm only guessing whose who, of whose who is easy erm I do think. you sussed out Ice, who are the others please explain (Inc.. greenies) Thank you sweetie.
..are you two still on about the the reboot icon problem...... elsewhere...
Well I was certainly going on...and on...about it KIDD!

Icey is just Ice.Maiden. She doesn't post under any other names. I can't keep up with all the multiple user names myself. Sometimes it's glaringly obvious who's behind some of them, others I'm never quite sure and mostly....I don't have a flipping clue!
Is something wrong? What Aprilis's said is true. I'm on as Ice - as she's just said, but if I over-post for instance, I use snow instead. I don't hide behind any aliases, or have any other names at all. There's also a second icemaiden who comes on, but we put the name differently. She's apparently been on for about 5 years.
oh I see, flipping that's a clue right. I do recognise a lot of the names but tend to be more of a lurker to be honest.

..but as you've said some are obvious, but can only second guess.

I've seen your name, consider yourself stalked ;-)

Nothing wrong at all Ice Maiden, I was only joking about been stalked... just if someone could figure out all the greenies....c'mon
Nope, no clue in using the word flipping KIDD. But ooooh, my own personal stalker eh? I've never had an AB stalker before ;-D

Boringly I'm only ever just Aprilis, KIDD. What you see is what you get with me. No silly games, no hidden agendas, no aliases. I'm way too lazy and unimaginative to be bothered with all that stuff!

Icey, check out pasta's 'Icey needs help' thread. I've left a link explaining what that pointless scroll lock key is all about. Too long to explain it myself.
Drat! I thought you were going to be my stalker. Hhmphh...I'm slinking off to sulk now.

S'not fair....
oh, sorry I think Id have to be green to do that....(greenie on the way)

No, me either agree with you both about user names etc.. (I can do it) but see no point, hidden agenda's etc.. why? (makes you wonder) I can understand the over-posting part though.

I'm not guilty of that one, its taken ten minutes to type this. lol

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I think that i like my name on here

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