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question time on police ?

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Leggendisgod | 00:24 Fri 24th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
anyone disagree with david starkey ?

i dont


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dunno her name

but that wopman saying the police brutality is nothing new

and didnt anyone rememebr the miners strike?

i do

and the police were thugs then

out and out thugs

no way did they need to be as savage

they enjoyed it

and made a lot of money in overtime too
I totally disagree with David Starkey.
The female you mention (Claire Fox) has her own views on the miners strike, and so have I - I was actually there!

Did you hear the Somalian man in the audience who stuck up for the Police? Or are we not allowed to?
Question Author
its not somalia

and as starkey ahs said

the police are like gladiators

beating people

and its a sad change in policing tactics

starkey is correct

your opinions noted

but without doubt wrong parra
Mr Starkey clearly has his own agenda about the Police: he's now rabbiting on about Police in "armoured vehicles in fluorescent jackets with great bulges at the back, the frequency with which you see armed Police, these are radical changes in the style of British policing.blah blah blah..and to say that our Police are not as bad as those in Somaliland really won't do...."

Question Author
hes rigth

you can talk around it all day long

the police are becoming like a state sponsored gang of thugs
I'm not just giving an opinion, as I said I was also at the miner's strike and know what happened there, too, and it was most certainly not all negative from a policing point of view - it takes two to tango.

And even the Tory's trying to curry favour with the audience by making the outlandish suggestion that they have "independent monitors" at such demos as the G20, filming the Police and the demonstrators!

Talk about trial by telly - even MPs aren't bothering to wait for the IPCC investigation to run its course!
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remember john charles de menezes ??


since the miners strike the police have moved closer to a paramilitary outfit than a police force

thugs bove the law eh ?

and a 3rd post mortem ?

fffs think of the guys family

out and out thuggery

I've made my views on the Jean Charles de Menezes execution well known on previous posts. It's an outrage that no one has been prosecuted for it. There, never thought I'd say that, did you?

However, and I refuse to take your bait about the miner's strike, as I've already said, I was there and know what happened - were you? Or is it trial by telly again in the kangaroo court? Of course it is.

The vast majority of Police have no more than body armour, a helmet, an ASP, and some CS gas to defend themselves with - the minority only have firearms - fact.
Question Author
im asssuming not a miner then ?

or not a striking one

if thats the case say.

i wouldnt waste debate with a scab miner or a thug policeman of the strike time .

?�? d t h ?�?�
I am not watching QT and I am not a huge fan of the police for several personal reasons, but far too little has been made of police, territorial or otherwise, being on duty with numbers covered up.

You just have to ask why a member of any police force purposely covers his number id before attending any situation.

They are not supposed to and the officer in command either doesn't notice or allows it.

I hope this issue is dealt with at the G20 enquiries - and the requirement for a member of the police force to wear their id is enforced without exception.
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hiding for the purpose of assaulting folk.

thats why you hide your number.

Not any concern of yours in your forced exile, why don't you concentrate on things Spic? Still yearn for Blighty don't you. What a shame you can't come back and leave your sad, lonely existence on the rock behind.
Is that right, Leggi? Aren't you even here in the UK?
Yes paraffin, he had to flee when vigilantes came after him. Lives a sad, lonely life that revolves around the answerbank.
In which case I don't talk to deserters!
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That's a goos policy paraffin. Don't you just love these (forced) ex-pats who pass comment about the UK? Keep your concerns to the hot rock in future chubby.
I was bez, no business of exiles to comment.
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Question Author
police and thugs on the streest

sorry thats the reinforcements.

evening alllllllllllllllllllllll

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