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My mums...........

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MWB | 00:34 Thu 30th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
husband, (not my dad) said last night that heat can't go through doors.

He said if you have a fire lit in the living room & the door open to the hallway or whatever, the heat won't go through.



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True, leggy.

And she's rather deaf, so that helps.

btw earlier it was whifff boring me

not you cobbber
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Ok, ya Welsh rarebit.

hot air does rise, so the room upstairs is likely to get warmer than the next room. But it's wrong to say no warm air circulates at the same level at all. It certainly goes through an open doorway, though shutting the door will slow it down. (Which is why we shut the front door to keep the cold out in winter, yes?)
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Yeah, jno.

My house is only single storyed.
Everyone knows that heat rises: that's why the Sun is quite a bit hotter than the Earth.

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