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Bank holl madness

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dustypuss | 11:13 Sat 02nd May 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I'm looking out my window at about a 4 mile traffic Que with people heading to Scarborough .

By 2 o'clock it will be 6 miles long

Why do thay do it every year

Mad Mad


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can never understand it myself much rather sit on the m6 heading towards
Is scarborough stilll alive ?
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Verry much so leggy

The Las vagus of yorkshire
I dunno 'bout that, steve.

The locals from one town go to other towns & the people in those other towns to other towns too.

Evens out really.

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That if they ever get there MWB
Yeah, true, puss.

I prefer to potter about the house on long weekends.
well it was quiet here yesterday as it was mayday holiday

all the spanish go toi the beach so avoid it

and the parks too

today is a nice 70 degrees start and ill have an early finish and go down to the beach later for a few cold beeers
dustypuss....las Vegas....i doubt but Las Vagus I would agree with. Tha vagus nerve is in the neck and if you cut it, it dies............just like Scarborough has done.
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Dustypuss very jealous of leggy :-0
wow you have a view of the motorway from your window? my son would love your house
dusty used to love going to Scarborough on BH in the 1960's.....but always used to go by train. Such fond memories of Castle Hill and the George....

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