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Love is?

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dabees | 00:55 Mon 04th May 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Whom or what do you consider love to be?


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True though

At first ....Love is..

Rubbing her belly when she`s on her monthlies

Filling her car up with fuel when she`s near empty

Always agreeing with her

Always enjoy going to her mothers house

Once it`s worn off...

Rubbing your head when she`s on her her monthlies thinking WHY

Asking her why she lets the car run on fumes

Always disagreeing with her

And refuse to visit her mothers house because the football`s on in the pub

The love is still there but she just can`t see it

Oh - yes, Dabees, thank you. I was meaning to em you, but haven't had the time as yet. You could still probably shed some light on a few things for me. Is it "" or ".com" ?
lol elvis^^^^

what about the mans role when the woman says love is
Lol Elvis. At least you started off great. I think I'd forgive you.
I think I will finish here now,with a song I hope most of you will enjoy.......loving you all that could be a clue to the song.....
Night,night everyone....
See you on AB again soon...Have a great Bank Holiday!!
simon cowll
Oh yes - and forgiving the other person their faults, because no one's perfect.
Btw pink - have a safge flight. Enjoy your hols. x
ta Ice will em you during week am taking laptop with me
Night imhotep - thanks! x
Awww ,that was nice Pinktwink.I have heard it before,but it still remains a classic.
Thanks hun..night,night then.See yah soon!!
Night Ice!!
I will have to prise myself out of bed tomorrow morning now...
Question Author
Sorry Ice, da_bees@ if you need any info.
Love is feeling respected and protected, knowing that no matter what, he will always be there for me and our children. I still get goosebumps just before he arrives home after a trip, and a pit in my stomach when he leaves.

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