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Sony Ericsson W595

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gazzawazza | 10:20 Wed 06th May 2009 | Technology
3 Answers
I've just got a new phone and an a letter "H" has appeared as an icon at the top of the screen. It's been there for days now and I can't get rid of it. I've searched through the phone contents menu and checked out the manual from cover to cover but I can't see any mention of this. Please, can sombody tell me how to get rid of this coz it's driving me mad!?
Thanks in advance.


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This sounds like software gone wrong.
Have you tried switching the phone off, taking the battery out for at least 20 seconds and the powering it up again?

If that does not work, I would recommend taking it back to where you got it from and request a software update. These things can be intermittent and returning it in it's warranty period might be your only option.

Hope you get it sorted!
It's the strength of your signal. The H represents HSDPA which is high speed internet
Software gone wrong???

Or it might just mean that you are currently in range of a 3G network using HSDPA for data transmission.

if you want to get rid of the H just set the phone to use GSM networks only (not 3g)

This will also give you bettter signal level most the time and save your battery.

To turn it off goto menu > settings > connectivity > mobile networks > GSM/3G networks and select GSM only.

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Sony Ericsson W595

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