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Are you superstitious?

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Charisse | 20:26 Sun 17th May 2009 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I do not hold with all the hokum of astrology but find myself saluting a single magpie!

Does anybody else do this?

It is probably more to do with habit (my nan used to do it) than superstition but I still avoid walking under ladders too.



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Bl00dy Irish father filling my head with useless information again!
I'm a Burn girl..............of course..with my history ley'd not let me into the RVH or City.

Superstition is usually about fear and how it is managed and when we consider the sum of all fears is about death then it stands to reason that death will be up to her teeth (she is a lady of course) in superstition.

What's wrong with yuSilk.are you sleepin' alone. Scared are you??lol only teasing
20.......come close to your screen...............................


( or in my case, boo boo!)

Hi yogi.
i have to confess to being a bit supersticious(sp) I count myself as an intelligent woman so where does magpies and black cats come from?
China rejoice that you have the blood of warriors in you veins..........and try not to think of the Irish jokes !!!
Ahh those burn girls were always good

yea i agree, a lot of our fears are about death...all very existential aint it?

and no, i dont sleep alone...i've got my own little familiar to keep me company... ;-0
Death and the existential challenge my favourite subject. Off to bed folks......early start tomorrow......

Sleep tight or......................take drugs lots and lots..XXXXX
Rosetta........... with Magpies ... .... one for sorrow....two for joy....three for a girl....four for a boy etc. ??

and with Black cats...said, is'nt it, that if they cross your path, could be bad luck!



so much for the crack then

nite nite to you.....i dont sleep well on a sunday tomorrow..crap!!! x
I'm off too...really tired!....i hope i dream of something funky!!!

Goodnight all and sleep well! xxxx
kinda glad you're all away lol....i've got an essay to finish and i've been putting it think i'll go and get it out of the way before beddybyes...nite nite xx...and sweet dreams to all of us!! ;-0
Oh bollox, I was working on black cats being lucky. That explains it lol

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