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Puppy nipping

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leejaysmum | 10:24 Sun 17th May 2009 | Animals & Nature
31 Answers
I have an 11 week old border terrier that nips - albeit in a playful manner at the moment, but i want to stop it before it becomes a habit. She draws blood and even if i give a firm 'NO' she still continues and thinks its a game. Any suggestions welcome, thanks.


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It's a shame that the morons can't leave this sort of answer
to CB.
At least on there people know what to expect!
If someone posts on one of the other categories they should be able to get a serious answer.
insults and name calling really go to show a very insecure person. I dont like insulting people.
BeatySwalls; are you using 'insulting' as a verb or a pronown, in this instance?
I am using it in the very context it was written madmaggot. read it how you may. the likes of you who go round insulting people and trying to upset them like you did to me I just dont understand.
Oh, very gooood!
If you mean, as you wrote, that you don't like insulting people. I beg to differ; you do it all the time.
If you mean you don't like people who insult others, no not many people do.
i dont like to insult people! even if they throw wild profane insults like referring to someone as a 'prat' or a 'moron'. It is just themselves who actually they are insulting as they are showing all the other users that they havent moved on from play ground name calling.
madmaggot, you are getting nowhere with the likes of him. Rising to his bait is what he wants Just ignore him.
It was a generalisation that you decided refered to you.
I don't mind, if the cap fits ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .

The one post that was directed to you was to query your grammar, as I wanted to clarify your meaning. The fact that you meant something different to the sentence that you wrote vindicates me.

I'm bored with this now and the question has been answered to the satisfaction of the original poster, so ............ yawn, that's it for today. You'll have to go and find another thread.
Question Author
Oh blimey! I hadn't anticipated that such a simple question would cause such chaos on AB!
All I hoped for was some sensible advice.
of which I did give you but you chose to ignore :)

any updates about the screaching? does it work?

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Puppy nipping

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