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Another joke for the mancs

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liverpoolfoo | 14:55 Tue 19th May 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
David Blaine is P###ed off, He's just found out his record 44 days in a box doing F##k ALL has been smashed by Dimitar Berbatov


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bit like Liverpool got for a full season eh.....
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What P####d off lol
I thought it said a 'joke for the manics' and came to read the joke. I couldn't see what your joke had t do with manic depressives.

I think I need to increase the size of the text again.
common mistake wolf.............I joined a thread the other week thinking it said 'Mad' bit it was 'Maud'
no liverpoolfoo................fcuk all
As the great gene hunt once said :

You great... soft... sissy... girlie... nancy... french... bender... Man-United supporting POOF!!
p!ss off don't even understand the offside rule...........
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Another joke for the mancs

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