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which tv advert

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larrybee59 | 05:25 Sun 24th May 2009 | Family & Relationships
7 Answers
there was a tv advert possibly showing two brothers and one said to the other "wish I was like you brian?? which advert was this???


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I'm thinking bread , or beans....1980's?
I suppose that as the question mentions brothers this is very loosely related to the topic of Family, but you might have more luck posting it under Adverts
Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers advert had the line "Why are you so clever Brian" eads_biscuits_cakes.htm
some house insurance ad rings a bell about one brother haveing a flood they were twins living next door to each other

It was an advert for Heinz Beans 

The boys were eating them. I can't remember what Brian said, but his brother did say 'I wish I was clever like you, Brian '

Complete my first answer (it wouldn't let me edit)

I wish I was clever like you, Brian...I really really do...

I remember it well, pity they didn't keep it 

I don't know how you found this old thread from 2009, Josephines, but it was Cadbury chocolate fingers, discussed here yesterday

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which tv advert

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