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NoMercy | 18:24 Wed 27th May 2009 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
is/was the greatest footballing hero of all time?

George best gets my vote. No one has ever dribbled a ball they way he did when he was in his sporting prime.


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Noknow - why don't you go and have a lie down while the Loperamide takes effect...........
NoMercy/no kno..........England have only won the world cup once 1966 and we are STILL talking about it.

Since then, we have been struggling and in my opinion will continue to do so.
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I agree with you entirely, Sqad !
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Roy Race
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Well - I certainly think it's getting that way, Doc.
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peter shilton- who's technique of saving a penalty was to fall in a heap on the ground regardless of where the ball was being kicked
Snagged....I have a slap waiting for you..!!!

And no,know....I do know who he is thank you very much :-(

Boring as fcuk though and his wife wears really strange clothes....

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