Sick jokes always pop up whenever there is a disaster. We all do it, so why is it Taboo to air them in public? We're all scared of our possible fates. that's why we try to laugh it off. Do you think sick jokes should be more accepted in mainstream comedy? or is it just me?
......definitely should be more accepted these days.....and don't you think it makes a change to see Michael Jackson trying to throw a baby over a balcony?............he usually tosses them off...........
The basiuc flaw in yur argument is the word 'all' - yes a number of people do invent and circulate sick jokes at times of tragendy, but a larger proportion of people don't and find them upsetting and offensive, hence their absence from mainstream culture. I'm in favour of things that make me laugh, and I have a sicker sense of humour than many - but I don't want to laugh at the expense of someone else's tears, that's just not funny.