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zzxxee | 17:52 Wed 03rd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
did that scare you?


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im hard me lol
Tut.... I thought this was for Boo. I came on to see if there was gossip to be had.
Good job I'm wearing brown trousers...
can someone pass Vibra the tenas!
and rinkins some pants :)
Question Author
well funny you should ask china doll see the old lady across the road??? whisper whisper.... shocking
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oh no rinkins have you pooed your pants???
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Boo does scare me sometimes.....I feel like sitting on the naughty step.....
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any gossip on me vibra??? now be carefull
he he LOL...

red, is 4get friends with Lakitu on FB?
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thats me im a sexy foxy mum grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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I did know that about Boo actually.

I'm a little shocked at Snags though.
Oi, I am here you know!
Question Author
when you say your own name boo do you scare yourself ? lol

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