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oh my word!

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sara3 | 11:04 Sat 06th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
here's a message I just received from a dating site..

"Hello Sara, I am Richard from Letchworth in North Herts. I am seeking a nude or topless cleaner for my home. This is a fantasy I have had for ages and would love to make it come real. Please let me know if you are interested."

1) I don't like cleaning my own home, 2) it's cold!

any suggestions for a reply?


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How much will you pay?
Hee sara , the same as 1 and 2 I reckon :-D xx
Ask if your brother could do it.
sara....which Dating Site was it?
Question Author

I guess you get what you pay for!!
"If I can keep my rubber gloves on I'll be round Wednesday morning"
Thanks sara....have you ever been on an assignation?
Question Author
explain an assignation!
Extra-marital heterosexual definition anyway...LOL..............a "date"
Send SuBo !
Question Author
extra marital? no one mentioned being married! but yes, I have been on dates :o)

as for the rest of you, you're just sick ;o)
sara......were you apprehensive and were there any successful meetings? that I mean..."enjoyable evenings"
sara3--if you are not going to go, can I go instead?

His fantasy would be shattered as soon as he opened the door.The largest Marigolds would still leave much exposed., not all of it pretty.!!!!!
Question Author
sqad.. I like it when you beat around the bush!

yes, I've had some "enjoyable" evenings but they were far out-weighed by very dull ones, and a couple of scary ones!
so what time are you going round sara?
Question Author
brenda, I'll pass on your credentials :o)
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craft, Monday at 8pm.
good girl sara.......frighten him!!
Question Author
I certainly would, craft!

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oh my word!

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