Annoying Neighbours in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Annoying Neighbours

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dfox77 | 15:47 Wed 01st Jun 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
Seems to be a lot of questions regarding this subject at the moment, Soory but heres another one. Our neighbour is constantly fixing cars, Re spraying, Pannel beating , Welding etc smeely & nosiy. He has recently knocked down his garge and built a supersized one at the end of the garden. He has around 3 - 4 cars a week going through so I presume he is doing them for cash, what can we do?
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If he is effectively runnning a business then he should have applied for planning permission for change of use of the property.  Might be worth a letter/call to the local council planning department.
go personally or phone them, you may not want your neighbour to know it was you what done it
My neighbour is a builder so I know how you feel. He is running his business legitimately from home so I can't get him on that. He is very nice and apologetic about the noise, but it does get me down. I've also given up on ever cleaning my car 'cause it gets covered in dust, bits of plaster and god know's what else straight away. I can barely see out of the windscreen some mornings.

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