an update on the barbie,to which I invited my pseudo upmarket friend.
Terrific time had by all, the sun shone the wine flowed the children played games with little prizes until they were exhausted.
So what of my friend who has moved into the higher echelons of the busines world--he has been in his new job 2 weeks!!!!!
He came complete with laptop and mobile and sat on the grass "working " for most of the time.His wife in floaty dress and high spikey heels kept him supplied with wine.
When the food was all ready and smelling delicious she took him a plateful, he was on the phone so he put on the grass.
My little dog Honey who can smell food at 50 paces, dashed round behind him and ate the lot. H e never even noticed.!
As the afternoon wore on he noticed others were munching away, and he wasn't ,so he came to find where his food was.We told him it was in the dog but he didn't think that was very nice.
He settled in the end for 3 cheese sandwiches and a luke warm chicken breast. His children really enjoyed themselves , his wife was a bit like a fish out of water, although my neighbour is a wiz at making people feel at ease.A nd gradually everyone mixed in and were relaxed.
When he was leaving after the usual thanks you he said "do you know Brenda we are not the same people any more are we?" Had to agree and do you know I feel quite relieved about that!!!!!
well i always say that if you can't do your job within the paid hours you are meant to then you are neither efficient, cost effective nor worth employing
your afternoon sounds amazing despite the clot on your lawn lol